• iko

iko, The Junior High Pupil’s Best Friend

iko is a diploma project by five CRMA students enrolled at Gobelins, l'école de l'image (Paris).
It culminates a two year graduate course in Interactive Digital Media Design and Development.

The philosophy behind iko is committed to an experimental user-orientated road
and our project takes advantage of a favourable context, namely, the advent of digital education in France.
It caters to real demands while at the same time it is in tune with the practices of your average high school student.

Who is it for ?

Junior high school pupils going through an important stage in their lives: curious about everything and quick witted, it is here where the solid foundations of human relationships within a community are laid.

They are savy to new technologies

Les collégiens

Being both nomad and interactive, digital supports respond to the expectations of young people: inquiring about things, educating oneself, communicating, expressing oneself, defending your ideas, creating, dreaming, cooperating, collaborating...
They have grown up with these tools; this modifies their way of thinking and reasoning: digital natives are adept to imaginary worlds.

Impatient, they expect immediate retroaction.

They consider work as being a continuous and collaborative process: working in teams is instinctive.

Why ?

France is determined to turn towards a multimedia school approach. Adolescents are real digital natives.

Therefore a tools is needed which is capable of